How to Analyze the Tournament Poker Structure

My plan is to compete in Event 7; I play in Harrah’s Fiesta Casino Event every fall. This is the first time I have worked in the casino business as a dealer. I wanted to ask the players who win money, what they did to earn it.

Event 7: Indians win the championshipIn Event #7 we have the winning hand. Everybody quit when they got cards they didn’t want, so only two players had paid. The hand was: Ac 8c, 3s. The SB puts up $10. It was folded to the button ($10), who called.

The flop was: 3s, 3h, 7d. Both Blinds check. The Turn and the River check. SB bets $10. The BB raises to $60. Everyone else folds.

I get the 8s and hit the flush on the River. I figure I have to bet the pot, since it’s all I can afford. I bet $35. BB calls.

Clearly, this is a raise, but it’s a raise that’s nowhere near the size of the bet I would have to make in normal play. The turn card helps, and I get another Pot-size bet from BB, which I figure out after a short pause, is the size of the pot for this hand. I call.

The river card is the 7h. I figure this should be the easiest non- dilemma card to hit, since I hit the flush on the Turn. I bet $120. This is another pot-size bet. Both blinds fold.

The Blinds verify they have lost with $90 stacks, while the Big Blind checks with a $400 stack. I figure this is an optimal time to check, since it’s unlikely I will make a similar bet to get a similar response. It seems like a non-brainer, but I have to resist the temptation to double-check, since that would mean checking out of the blinds here. Besides, I have a gut feeling about this. I bet $90, and BB calls.

The flop comes 3s, 3h, 7d. I am still not particularly happy with my hand, since I only have a gut-shot straight draw. It would have been better if I could have pocket hearts or diamonds. I figure at this point, they have to have a better hand than I do. I check.

BB raises to $300. It’s now $60 to go, which I consider to be an excellent price. It would have been easier to fold here than to call. If I had a hand like pocket hearts, for example, and I was being pot committed, I would have folded in this situation as well. But I played the hand well.

Therefore, I call the $300 bet.

The turn card comes 3s. There is a small card on the board, so I check.

BB raises to $600.

Then what? I have pocket hearts, and only a gut shot straight draw. I figure it will still be good enough to win the hand, so I call.

They instead go all-in. They showed Qc, by pulling $14000 from my stack.

I get pocket jacks.

Then what? They flipped over Ah, and turned over the same two cracked hearts.

Usually I would have folded, because of course I had Qc, but my mistake areas the turn and river. I had wronged a few players in the past, so I was somewhat feeling remorseful. I thought it was a bad beat, and I was playing with revenge.

However, the board had changed my mind. There was a flush draw. And, two potential hands for me to hit the flush.

I had improved my hand, but I still was a slight favorite. I figured that if I was any sort of favorite, I should be targeting the players who are out of the tournament. And, I did not want to sacrifice a chance of winning to save a tournament.

I announced to the table that I was Calling.

Then, all hell broke loose when the amateur bet $800 to win $500.

In less than 30 seconds, the amateur players moved in and pressed the Nuts against my hand. I had called $800 to win $500, because I still could not understand how his play disgusted me.

Then, it happened.

The amateur retailers turned over three £300 chips. They were now playing for their $400.

When I looked down and saw my £285 chips, I saw my opportunity. I pointed out that I would gladly trade any of the other £300 chips I had visibility of to trade with the $400 chip.

He did a thing like this: $300 chip into $400 pot.

Blackjack Betting Strategies – Blackjack Betting Strategies That Work

The main purpose of the game of blackjack is to have a hand worth more than the House without having a total of more than 21. If a player requests a hit (known as taking another card in blackjack) and goes over a total of 21, this is known as going bust, and the player loses his hand and bet.

However, at times the dealer and the player will both have the same hands. If the internet blackjack game appears to be a tie, a push will occur in the blackjack game. This occurs when neither the House nor the player has a busted hand. In this situation each player’s hand is compared and whoever has the highest hand wins the game.

Although there are several betting strategies used, the basic blackjack strategy is not difficult to master

Although there are several betting strategies used, the basic blackjack strategy is not difficult to master. The difficulty at this game lies on how to outwit the House and still win the hand. The player should understand that a hand is either worth a certain amount or nothing and is constrained to choose a number that is greater than 21. However, the player should understand that the House is exploiting this weakness, holding seventeen cards of the same value card in the hope that the next card will give the player a more valuable hand.

The player should understand that, although he or she may lose the game, if they draw a card that gives them a total of seventeen or more, they will still win the hand. On the other hand, if the player has a total of less than seventeen, they will lose the hand. Since the player draws cards to make a hand, the player may be vulnerable to a higher-valued hand while the House has a greater probability of reaching a card with a lower value.

The game of blackjack allows the player to win by having a hand with a coin-flip of twenty-one whereas the House has to round down to the nearest if the player goes over a total of 21. Going over 21 is a game of the House, which the player has no choice but to stand. In this situation, the player can either surrender the cards and lose the hand, or the next highest hand, or go for a hit, in which case you draw a card of higher value than any card mentioned above.

The rules are pretty straightforward, but the strategies are often unconventional. Since you can only play for three cards, and therefore only two cards are left in the deck, if you know the concept of hits or behind, you can certainly doctor the probabilities in your favour. You won’t improve your hand instantly, but you can work towards suited cards or flushes.

Behind, a hit means that you need a card higher than the number of cards you possess. Cards are ranked such that, in cases where you possess two cards of the same rank, and if you are lucky enough to get two matching cards, you have a chance of winning a hand.

First, cards are played at a lot of different times.alled cards are played anytime, for instance, one is played during the initial round and the third is played after the initial round.

The cards used in Omaha Poker are a lot different from the cards used in Texas Holdem.

The board which is used in Omaha Poker is comprised of four cards, situated in the middle of the table, and these are community cards, which means everyone gets to use them. Even though the cards are shown, you still have the option to look at your own cards.

Cards cannot be moved, this means that you cannot fold your position. Even though the flop cards are shown, you can still look at your own cards.

The pot is split between all active players, this means that just because you do not have a high card, you do not have to contribute to the pot.

Omaha Poker uses a lot of rules which can catch many players by surprise.

Even though it is unconventional, Omaha Poker can be a lot of fun, and it is widely popular in online poker rooms, so it would be wise to check them out.

Lottery Secrets – How to Use Visualization Techniques to Get an Unfair Advantage (Cash Prizes)

Who else wants an unfair advantage when playing the lottery? Sounds like a silly question, right? We all do! That’s part of the fun of playing in the first place..:-) Buying more tickets. Playing “special” numbers. Purchasing at “special” stores and all sorts of other rituals and routines are part and parcel of the strategy that many people use to get an unfair lottery winning advantage.

But if you are like me……I’m sure you realized pretty early on, that those strategies don’t really work..:-)

Rather than give up, for me….I embarked on a quest to study just about EVERY lottery winning set of techniques out there, and found 2 that worked exponentially BETTER than just about anything else out there being taught. One of those techniques is visualization, and when combined with other, more “number” based methods, is an EXPLOSIVELY easy way to increase your odds of winning in rapid fire turn around time!

Using visualization to pick lottery numbers is about CONCENTRATION, intention and “unconscious” MANIFESTATION…….

Have you heard about “the Secret”? The idea that everything in the Universe works by laws of attraction and repulsion? And that the more aligned you allow your energy to be with your own intuition, the easier it becomes to literally “see” and attract the things in your life you want most. Sounds pretty far out…..but it’s REALLY not!

It’s really the very same thing here. Using a “math” based system to pick, identify and locate the very BEST numbers to play is first….and then using the amazing and little known power of visualization, and active manifestation to see (or WILL!) those numbers to fruition is a strategy that MANY repeat lottery winners have claimed is the secret to their success!

So how do you know if visualization is the right strategy for you to try if you want to enjoy similar success?

And remember… matter what the skeptics say, lottery winners around the globe credit this little known, underground technique with giving them an amazing advantage! (and with some of those who have won over and over…’s pretty HARD to argue with their results!)

Did you know that Michael Jordan said 90% of his success was “seeing” the ball go through the hoop BEFORE he shot it?

That Wayne Gretzy claimed to watch the puck sail into the goal BEFORE it was even on his stick?

How about Ken Wilber….the world famous philosopher and prolific author….who claims his books “appear” to him, fully written…….BEFORE he even sets his pen to paper. (all he does is transcribe what he is given by some unknown, unseen energy!)

Most likely….you have been playing the lottery for a while, and have had NO luck at all.

You understand that the odds are stacked against you.

You know that the numbers you have played arebadworse than others…but still, you UN BELIEVE you can consistently win lottery prizes.

The SKULL Israeli Skeptics claim there is No imitable way to “Data Sgp 2022” the future. Other skeptics say the number are just drawn out of pure coincidence.

The intriguing thing about all of us who claim we can see the future, is that we really truly believe it!….but when we try to describe what we see, we usually can’t even attempt to describe what we “see” in terms of a meaningful comparison…or a simplefulness. (coordinate, variability and continuity are key words here)

All of the above forms of visualization require a large amount of mental Vocabulary…and a sophisticated understanding of concepts. Vocabulary is the language of the visual arts…and when it comes to the lottery, the lottery scriptor usually has a very small grasp of the language words.

Most of the time, you can forget about trying to describe what you see if you can’t describe what you are trying to describe! That’s a huge factor for people in the midst of a big win

For instance….a 5 number lottery is more likely to have multiple winning tickets than a 6 number lottery is with the few lotto numbers being similar enough that you can statistically have more than one winning ticket if the draw is made twice a week.

The more numbers in your lottery, the more you have going against you both in law and in common sense.

But….a different story for different people. Many people RF the lottery, playing for years and years with very little to show for it. Some people never win…but why should that be you ask?

If you use your imagination and you really believe you can see the future…why should you not try?

How to Get the Odds of Scratch-Off Lottery Tickets

You’ve probably heard of the lottery scratch off games that you can find over the internet. But you might not know how to actually start playing in Canada’s lottery. So, how do you play?

You can play By mail. You must first choose a playing period and once that is finished, you must choose a scratch-off lottery ticket from the top of your card. You can choose from a number of games, but once you’ve chosen, choose the game you want to purchase. You need to scratch off the thin latex film using a coin or magnets, usually batteries. Some Revenge scams use the magnetic chips to push down on the film. Then, a small part of the film is picked up and the price revealed. But the real kicker is that the Edwin S. Lowe Co. company that manufactures the cards will actually lie about the odds of the scratch-off tickets being a winner.

In the late 90´s, there was a guy in Ontario, Canada by the name of Frank Scadding who discovered that he could predict the dates that the tickets would be sold. He would then buy all the tickets and win a lot more than he could have possibly imagined. Unfortunately, Frank was broke within a few years of his win. But he didn’t give up. He went back to the lottery and tried to win with a new strategy. And he actually might have won the lottery several times over!

The key to his strategy was a technique called number selection. Basically, he just picked the numbers that he thinks will be the winners. He has about 8,000 different numbers, and he has purchased quite a few of them. He actually has a 99% success rate, but everyone still loses at some point.

Unfortunately, many people just pick random numbers or use their birth date. Well, that only covers a small percentage of the players. Ideally, you should pick a selection method. Lowe has actually published a Book with the same title as his system. Many people actually think that this system can be matched to a calendar. In fact, every day in the newspaper, it is the same thing. You have to master the art of strategic writing.

When applied knowledgeably, the Togel88 can be fun and rewarding. Lots of people play all the time, but they always lose because they don’t have a strategy in place. Only a systematic approach can defeat the beast known as the lottery. The winners are all the time in the public, but they keep away into the casinos. That’s because the Queens, as an example, only puts up one machine for each variation.

Strategic writing, means writing daily about the lotto. If you miss a couple of days, you are probably in the red because of the cost of tickets, so no matter when you miss a day, it definitely costs you money. Also, if you subscribe to a system, you will have the tickets ahead of time. The system tells you to watch out for the smaller prizes, as they are often the easiest to win. Like raffle tickets, there are fewer winners because the odds of selection are all a lot worse.

Since writing this, I have been in contact with another writer who has studied the lottery in depth. He suggest a few essential guidelines, although he will not give out his name. He suggests getting lucky as much as possible and not be discouraged if you lose. If you persist, you will be happy at the end of the day. The two of us will make a nice little book together.

Lotto Buyer Beware

Buying a lottery ticket is a fun thing to do. Why not? The possibility of winning some extra money is exciting. But some people love to throw away money on lottery tickets because they think there’s no way they could win. If you are one of these people, there are some things you need to know before buying any tickets.

It’s True That Most Lottery Numbers Are Part of a Lotto System

False! Many people like to think that the lottery numbers are completely random. But the lottery experts know that it’s not how the lotto works. They know that the way to beat the lottery is to study the past results. They know that in the real world, there are physically very important patterns that will repeat again and again. They also know that there is a certain minimum highest number that needs to be chosen, but the total will be below that number. They also know that in certain cases, a computer has been used to some extent in beating the lottery. But whether it was programmed or not, experts agree that lottery numbers in general do have an effect on the probability of other numbers being drawn.

Don’t Trust Your Math

Experts aren’t always afraid of numbers in general. In fact, many of them believe that math is not as random as many people think. When solving certain problems, knowing the probability of some outcomes is an important thing to know. Many experts will tell you that in a game of chance like lotto, you need to have a good knowledge of math. Although it doesn’t help predict the winning numbers, it can help you at least eliminate the unlikely ones. When picking your numbers, be sure to choose mostly odd or even numbers as well as those that are high or low. Also, try to spread your number choices as much as possible because that is one of the only ways you can ensure you will win something.

The Importance of Doing Your Research

Many people like to sit in front of their television and choose their numbers on the basis of their birthdays or ages. Of course, you can’t win this way, as you probably would in the lottery. Other people are beating the lottery by simply doing their research. They enjoy the thrill of watching the draws and selecting the numbers that they think will be the winning ones. Others wait for a number to appear and then they mark the number on their tickets. However you choose to select your numbers, do your research and make sure you have chosen wisely.

Watch the press

Statistically speaking, 70% of the people playing the lottery actually win some prize at some stage. Therefore it only makes sense that if you want to win, you would also need to apply your research. You wouldn’t win just by chance, so if you feel there is a great need for you to research, you would probably need to do this more than once. By doing your research, you will be able to increase your chances of winning. This way, you are not depending solely on luck to bring you a win.

Don’t give up

Bolagila is a game of chance, and sometimes it’s hard to catch your dream win because you let yourself lose a number of times. It’s important to remember that you shouldn’t give up even if you didn’t get the win in your first try. alysing your mistakes and finding out what you can do better the next time, is a lot more valuable than throwing away your hard earned money to lottery. Simply keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll eventually win.

How to Stop Constant Bad Beats in Poker

Many players experience a large number of bad beats when playing online Naga303. They believe that online poker sites give players an edge because they can see their opponents’ faces. They believe that if they are going to lose often, they must it be because of the cards not being dealt correctly. However, most likely it is not the cards at all, but the large online tells that cause them to lose.

Constant bad beats will eventually rob you of your bankroll and ultimately make you play even worse in an effort to reclaim those chips. You can use advanced poker strategies to stops constant bad beats, which are a very Dank and cluttered Texas Holdem basement.

Obviously it is not enough to just analyze a single hand. You must learn to identify various online tells, so as to capitalise on them. As Texas Holdem is a game of incomplete information, you can never be sure what the next card will yield.

thus, one approaches the game with aledge of what cards will come, and one must remain in a meditative state of tight focus. You must first fix your eardrums to a comfortable noise, and teach yourself to simply focus. You will eventually learn that you will not automatically have your mind prepared to receive inputs*but these entertainments will nonetheless continually choke out your winnings to a lesser extent.

The truth is that many players including yourself could be torturing yourselves unaware of the real reasons for losing. You could be failing due to a complete inability to change your material circumstance; to tilt responsibly, to manage your bankroll, to analyze your opponents and to accept reality.

Hurst’s Law

There is also a more scientific and logical explanation for the phenomenon of bad beats. According to David Tate in his book, Visualization and Poker, you areessed to make your decision based on the cards that you see your opponents have while you are considering your own hand. Tate summarizes a large portion of the results of computer poker studies done by several prominent people including David Sklansky and John Taylor. They too concluded that when you are competent enough, you will not automatically make bad beats.

No, it is not plausible. If it was, it would already be Fixed Table Mountain!

The real reason you lose is largely autoplay from the start of your innings until the time you breach your fortitude to continue. You are just not allowing your opponents to lay down their cards against your strong hand.

It is the broken Fifth Wheel of fortune, standing by while all around you see other people who are making exactly this play, and you are doing the same thing. In effect, you are making a bad beat play, or rather, a bad beat and a half profit play.

The Fifth Wheel of Fortune is everybody’s hope for a profitable roulette session. Unfortunately, it is not reality. For many gamblers, the Fifth Wheel of Fortune bread and butter conference has always been a disaster. convening at the Casino warrants more disappointment than fulfillment.

Poker Position

In many poker games including Hold’em a player’s position in relation to the dealer can be very important. Taking the lead in that position can increase the amount of information you have about the value of your hand relative to the other players. This in turn can help you make better decisions and play fewer hands. Let’s take a look at some of the important positions in a typical poker game.

The positions at the poker table can be broken into four categories. These are;

The blinds.The player to the immediate left always bets the small blind. The player to the left of the blind always acts as the small blind.

The position of the dealer.This is the position at the table where the dealer button is placed. When playing at a full table the first player to have their bet set in the pot is the first dealer.

The position of the players in relation to the dealer.When you are playing at a full table there will always be at least two players to the left of the dealer.

Players in middle position.These players are in between and behind the blinds. They have the advantage of seeing what the blinds are about to as well as acting after them.

Players in late position.When playing at a short table there will always be at least 4 players acting after the blinds. In that situation players in late position have the most information about the others. They can play more hands because they have more information.

Once you understand the different positions at the poker table you should be able to pick up situations where you can play better hands. Being aware of where the players are at the table gives you the edge. You can judge which players you can play against and which you should fold.

Position at the table is important, but even more so when you have a good hand. If you act after your opponent then you can see potential hands on the table before you are involved. If you are in late position it can be hard to gauge whether you have a winning hand or a loser.

Reading your opponent is a skill that takes a lot of experience and brain power to hone. For instance, you have to be aware of whether your opponent is looking at his cards or watching his hole cards. Observe your opponents and you will be able to know what hand ranges they use to see flops. After you observe you’ll be able to tighten up your play and know what you have to do to win.

The next time you play at a six handed table you should try to figure out the ideal strategy to use against any particular opponents you may encounter. Try to mentally fold a hand after you determine how many players are in the pot. You should fold a hand if you know you will probably lose the hand or you are certain you will not be ahead. Figure out how to implement blind stealing when your opponent is not in the blind or late position. When you are in late position you can attempt a blind steal with any two cards.

The more you study your opponents, the easier the poker will be for you. Once you know enough about your opponents you can even reverse many of the acquired tight style to a loose style. Adjusting your strategy in the middle of a game is very important when you are playing both familiar faces and newbies. Adjusting your strategy in any situation can be very strong.

There are not a lot of books or courses that teach you how to become a professional Dewacasino player. You can learn some basic things from poker trophy winners. These people had to earn their status and most of them did by knowing more about the game than the majority of players. Being informed is a lot different than losing your money. Making a huge investment in information leading to the same result can be a lot different from a tiny investment in a book or article.

Applicable Way To Earn Real Money On Internet

Internet is the best means to earn money. There are many ways to earn money by spending your free time at your home. Internet is a highly connected and knowledge global, so you can easily earn money sitting at home and connected with the internet.

To get started, you need to select a reliable and trustworthy website for you to do your transactions. It is recommended to check the credibility of the website you will use because there are many fake online money processing sites in the internet that will charge you fees and exactions for depositing and withdrawing.

Real Money Online:

Online gambling is the best means to spend your free time to earn money sitting at home. Trusted and reliable online gambling sites offer a wide variety of games and events. Internet gamblers can choose from the mostieties gambling types.Whether you are a professional gambler or a leisure player, online gambling has a place for you.

Online gambling is the best means to spend your free time to earn money sitting at home. Trusted and reliable online gambling sites offer a wide variety of games and events. Whether you are a professional gambler or a leisure player, online gambling has a place for you.

Online gambling is considered gambling because players bet money or any other material that could be taken from the game. To verify the authenticity of the online gambling site, you can watch the brown paper packages containing the secret of the game.

Online gambling follows all the general rules of gambling, i.e. betting, throwing cards, spinning wheel, etc. The only difference is that unlike normal gambling, the amount of money is not deposited into the gambling account but rather is deposited through a credit card or bank account to a specific online gambling site.

This type of online gambling, although legal in some areas, is often illegal and prohibited in many others. In the US, it is illegal to use coins or bills to bet online, although some states allow the use of mechanically operated token machines. token machines are popular in casinos because players play at a slower pace than when playing against a machine.

Vegas88 machine is a mechanical device that uses a timing device to randomly select a number or a combination from a group of numbers 1 through 90. Most of these machines are activated by the push of a button and the lever located at the side of the machine. You can also find automated online slot machine, that automatically spins the reels, shoots the ball and plays the payouts electronically.

Online gambling is a wonderful alternative to the people, who just love to spend their free time, in playing games. Online gambling can be an additional recreation for some people, who get to play in their home comforts and have few problems like gambling addiction. It is beneficial to the gamblers that you can find different types of gambling, such as free gambling, winning online slot and many more.

Although, many sites offer different slot games online, but they may not be that much different from the ones played in land-based casinos. i.e. a typical multi-line slot game, after hitting the spin button, you win if you’ve got the correct combination of symbols on the pay line. But then, this game may be boring and nothing but a game of luck, unless you are a real gambler, you will love playing online slot if you get the chance.

How to Beat Pick 4 and Greyhound Betting – Two Simple Strategies That Will Make You a Guaranteed Winner

Are you a Third of the people who placed bets on the pick 4 lottery last night a winner? No, I am sure they were not, and if they were, they did not know why. Most people place bets on the pick 4 lotto with no thought or strategy other than just “betting” as they have no real idea how to pick the winning numbers. There are methods to picking numbers to bet on the pick 4 lottery, but if you will do some simple math and study the patterns of the past winning numbers, you will dramatically increase your odds of winning the pick 4 lotto.

How to Beat Pick 4 and Greyhound Betting - Two Simple Strategies That Will Make You a Guaranteed Winner

As I stated our the pick 4 lottery is a game of chance, some people are much better than others. Sure some people have certain numbers that repeat themselves, such as 3, 5, 6, 9, 12, and 0, etc… but there are also Miracle numbers that appear brandishing, or numbers that never appear. Many people claim to have a system that will make you a winner, but I can assure you it is all a hype and a canard. The only way to really beat the pick 4 lottery is to have multiple winning tickets in the same drawing. Having multiple winning tickets is the only way to beat the pick 4 lottery odds, but to get there you will have to increase your odds dramatically. Now I am not going to go into the minutia of the pick 4 lottery, I am going to present 3 simple methods that the average person can do to dramatically increase their odds of winning the pick 4 lottery.

The first simple method to beat the pick 4 lotto is to play the box your neighbor plays. In other words if your neighbor plays the following numbers in the following set of numbers, you can play the following numbers also. Just pick your numbers in the same manner that your neighbor plays them. Repeat this step 4 or 5 times until you win.

The second method is not as exciting as the first method, but it is very effective. This method is making use of the fact that the numbers 4, 17, 23, 33, and 9, and the number 7 are most likely to be drawn together. What you are doing here is prime number selection. It is Possible that in the pick 4 drawing, the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 will be drawn together. If you do this, you have just increased your odds of winning the pick 4 lotto by 52.88%.

The third method involves a bit of math, and as you might expect, a bit of science. You will need to determine the ratio between the sum of the numbers you picked in step 1 and the total sum of the numbers selected by the lottery. To do this, you will have to take the total sum of the numbers you picked, minus the number that you chose not to select, and add together the number that you decided not to select, and the total sum of the numbers. In my example, you will need to minus 4 numbers from your total sum choosing 4, plus 6 numbers from your total sum. But hey, you have a 24 way box, right? Yes, that is correct. This system unlike the first method, is not advisable for the pick 4 because the pick 4 numbers are becoming more and more popular as well as the prizes have begun to become higher.

What I am about to tell you is the truth about Togel Sgp. Look closely at the lottery schedule and you will see that the most popular drawing is sometimes the most humble and simplest. It is a drawing focused on the excitement of receiving your possible millions, rather than the excitement of seeking wealth. This is a simple system, but it works and it is easy to do. If you are asking, “Can I win the lottery? Can I outsmart the lottery and become a multi-millionaire?”, then the answer is yes. You can become a millionaire many times over and you can do it by simply spending some time learning how to mac all of the numbers and how to play the box as well.

How to Full Mathematically Play Low House

Certain hands will always pay at the lowest house advantage, no matter what your number of outs is. Those are hands that support aggression, like AA or KK, or hands that allow aggression like QQ, JJ, AK or AQ, suited (that is, a hand like 88, AQ, 33, AJ, etc) or unsuited (that is, a hand like AK, AQ, 22, AT, etc)

The first type of hand that fits this mold is AA. If you raise before the flop, and hit a monster ( ace or king), you will usually be ahead of most other players in the hand, and can take down a big pot. If you raise on the flop, and miss, you can still take down a pot, because another player took the price of the flop into their pot. Both situations happen quite often, and are not really that much of a rarity. Straights and flushes are also very common.

When you miss and someone re-raises, in most cases you will have to fold. If you have AA, and the flop is say, Q-7-2, you will have to call $10 to chase down your straight or flush. You have no way of winning a big pot, and losing is one of the most probable outcomes. This is also not to say that you will never play these hands, because they are still good hands. It just happens very seldom. The good thing about this hand is that it supports aggression. If played correctly, it can help you win a lot of small to medium sized pots.

When you hit the flop with one of the more powerful hands, like a high pair or AK, you will have a scare card, and I use the term “scare card” advisedly. These cards tip the odds into your favor, and arevaluable. When you look at your two pair potential, vs. your opponents two pair potential, you are usually in pretty good shape. If you have say an ace high flush, and chase down a straight or flush, you have roughly a 35% chance of hitting. On the other hand, if you have say 10 2 off suit, you only have about a 20% chance.

So when you flop the monster hands, if you have the right odds, you will usually be ahead. When you’re not ahead, you can get a decent sized pot. When you’re ahead, you can usually get your opponents to fold, or at least take the pot quite a bit smaller.

So when you’re playing a Vodka138, there are some things to remember. If you have a lot of chips behind you, you’re more inclined to want to protect them. The first thing you need to do is get a small sized bet out there. If you follow up with a bigger bet after a flop limp, a scary hand for your opponents, they will get out of there and not see another card. Against tight low stacks, they will inevitably call you a raise and you can take them out. But generally, especially against loose low stacks, they’re not going to see a flop unless you have a monster.